
Market Overview – January 2024

A look in the rearview mirror · 9 January 2024

It's always interesting to look back to analyze the past year, and 2023 is no exception. Perhaps the biggest surprise of the year was the strength of the global economy. Against all expectations, and despite largely pessimistic forecasts, a global recession did not occur. In 2023, the economy resisted despite high interest rates in the United States and Europe, and a risk of a major crisis in China linked to the real estate sector. In this high-risk economic context, the global economy has proven to be particularly robust. Despite the most rapid tightening of monetary policy since the 1980s, economic growth in the United States has probably even accelerated. Europe, for its part, weaned itself off Russian gas without suffering an energy and economic catastrophe. In terms of numbers, the global economy has surpassed the most optimistic expectations. Global GDP (gross domestic product) growth is expected to have exceeded 3% in 2023. 

Market Overview January - 2024

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